Muslim Names

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73 record(s) found according to names

Kaamil    کامل
Perfect, complete, accomplished, learned.
Kaamilah    کامله
Complete, perfect
Kaashif    کاشف
Discoverer, detective, revealer, explorer.
Kaashifah    کاشفه
Discoverer, detective, revealer, explorer.
Kaazhim    کاظم
(Kaazim), A person who suppresses his anger.
Kab    کعب
(Kaab) Knot (of cane), joint, ankle, anklebone, heel(of the foot, of a shoe) ferrule, die, cube, high rank, glory, Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.
Kabeer    کبیر
Immense, great, senior, Ailah’s attribute.
Kabeerah    کبیرہ
Immense; great; senior; Name of a Sahabiyah.
Kabshah    کبثه
A goat; Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Kafeel    کفیل
A surety, a security, guarantee.
Kaif    کیف
A state of joy.
Kaisaan    کیسان
Wise, Name of a distinguished Sahabi(RA).
Kaleem    کلیم
A speaker, an interlocutor.
Kaleemah    کلیمه
A speaker; an interlocutor; Name of a Sahabiyyah.
Kaleemullah    کلیم الله
One who has conversation with Allah, Moses.
Kamaal    کمال
Perfection, completion, excellence, something wonderful, miracle.
Kaneezah    کنیزہ
Firm(of flesh), sturdy(of body)
Kanzah    کنزہ
Karaamat    کرامت
Name of a distinguished Sahabi (RA).
Kareem    کریم
Bountiful, generous, magnificent, gracious, merciful, modest, an attribute of Allah Al-mighty.

1-20 of 73


can any one tell me the meaning of damia ? tq


My name is Ruzanna and I don't know my name's meaning. My husband's name is Mohamad Iftitah. We know that Iftitah is a doa (prayer) but we dont know its meaning. Can someone help me.

I also plan to name my daughters Iman Natalia and Iman Natasya. Do those names have meanings?

Thank you and your help is very much appreciated. =)


Ruzanna means every day in urdu

can any one tell me the meaning of batrisya ?

in hindi batrisya means 32nd :)

Can any one tell meaning of my name Farzoaq I tell u something that Farzoaq was a poet in the time of Hazrat Muhammad [PBUH]... & searched but the name is FARAZDAQ... I dont know what is the orignal one & its meaning.
I will be very thank full to you

Farzoaq Ali Khan

When will i get reply from u.I would like to name my daughter "Zaina Kubra".I would like to know meaning of this name.Plz help me out.



I would like to know the meaning of my name "Nikhath" and also name of my daughter "Kubra"


my name is Nikhath
i am 13 years old
ive always wanted to know what my name meant
till I found out THIS YEAR
that it meant

can any one tell me the meaning of the name Ayaan.
